7 Reasons to Go Vegan (or Mostly Vegan)

If you have been vegan for a long time, chances are you don’t need us to tell you that you are doing a great thing. However, if you are only just starting to explore this lifestyle, then it can be handy to focus on the reasons to go vegan (or mostly vegan).

That’s exactly what we offer in this article!

Whether you want to take the plunge and live a fully vegan life, or simply want to explore a plant-based diet, here are seven reasons to go vegan (or mostly vegan) today!

1. For your health

At Healthiir, it’s no secret we are big advocates of a plant-based diet for improving one’s health! Personally, it’s the reason I transitioned over to the dark side (or should I say light side, hehe).

However, it’s important to note that going vegan doesn’t automatically make you healthy. There are many junk foods that are technically vegan – as is sugar, salt, and alcohol!

By consuming mostly whole foods like fruit, vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts, seeds, and some minimally processed products (and supplementing where required), you can drastically improve your health. This is where the real benefits start to show.

For example, eating a plant-based diet can lower your risk of heart disease and reduce your ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol levels – the latter of which is reported in this study. It can also reduce other cardiovascular conditions, such as hypertension (high blood pressure) as outlined in this study.

A plant-based diet can also lower your chance of certain cancers, including colon cancer and – providing you increase your soy intake – breast cancer. Note: not all soy is created equal. Read more about soy here!

There are tons of great vegan educational books on the subject of how plant-based diets can improve your health. Check them out!

2. For the animals

This one is pretty obvious and perhaps the number one reason most people go vegan in the first place.

The meat, dairy, fish and egg industries are all known to be inherently cruel.

This may be the slaughter of an animal that doesn’t want to lose its life, the separation of a mother and its baby, the death of day-old male chicks, or simply the revolting conditions and treatment these animals are subject to.

For many more examples of horrendous ways animals are treated in the food industry, watch some powerful vegan documentaries such as Earthlings or Dominion.

While your transition to a vegan diet (or mostly vegan diet) won’t stop these cruel acts overnight, you will probably be able to sleep easier knowing that your dietary choices aren’t contributing to the suffering of these animals.

On a positive note, by not buying meat or other animal products, you’ll reduce demand on the supply chain. The less demand there is, the less animals are bred, and the less suffering there will inevitably be.

3. For the environment

The production of animal products like meat and dairy put a huge strain on an already stressed planet. Consequently, going vegan reduces this environmental burden.

This isn’t just talk. It’s backed by science. In 2018, scientists at the world-famous University of Oxford studied the impact of farming on the planet.

They concluded that going vegan was the biggest thing an individual could do to reduce your environmental impact – including the reduction of greenhouse gases, air pollution, water pollution, land use, and water use. Crazy, right? It really is that simple.

If you find yourself concerned about global warming and other environmental concerns, going vegan is a massive step in the right direction.

4. For your weight

Weight loss is a popular health goal for good reason. Many people turn to plant-based diets because they have heard it can help with losing weight – and they would be right!

But it is important to say that going vegan won’t result in automatic weight loss. As we’ve established, candy and junk food can be vegan. If you live off things like fries, burgers, cakes, and beer, you probably won’t lose weight (sorry!).

A whole-food, plant-based diet, however, does promote weight loss.

This is because plant-based whole foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes, and whole grains are typically high in volume but low in calories – meaning you’ll usually feel more satisfied with less food, which inevitably results in weight-loss over time.

For example, consider how easy it is to eat 500 calories of hamburger (just under one Big Mac) compared to 500 calories of broccoli (around 2.5 full heads!). That may not be a realistic meal choice, but it illustrates the point.

5. For other people

There are many sobering facts when it comes to hunger. Around 9 million people die each year from hunger and hunger-related diseases, including 3.1 million children.

However, animals are fed around one third of global crop production. It can take around 13 pounds of grain and 2,400 gallons of water to produce just one pound of meat.

One study reveals that 36% of the calories produced by the world’s crops are used for animal feed. By feeding these crops to humans instead of animals, an additional four billion people could be fed, and many hunger issues solved!

6. For your wallet

The old myth of veganism being a luxury is just not true.

By going vegan, you can actually save money. This was the subject of one Oxford University study, which suggests that going vegan can cut your food bill by up to a third! 

Of course, it all depends on the food choices you make. For example, filling your fridge with nothing but vegan alternatives (like vegan cheeses, meats, and ice creams) can be expensive. Plus, they’re heavily processed.

But by focusing primarily on whole foods, going vegan can be incredibly wallet-friendly. Fruits, vegetables, legumes, and whole grains are all very cost-effective, and can be turned into thousands of incredible vegan recipes!

7. For the movement

Here’s a nice one to end with. By going vegan, you have the opportunity to help grow the movement and spread some positivity.

There are an estimated 79 million vegans in the world, and by becoming one yourself, you add to the growing army of plant enthusiasts.

By living as a happy, healthy, strong, and informed vegan, you can help other people reduce their consumption of animal products and grow the movement further.

Ultimately, the more vegans living happily and healthily, the better!

Which of these reasons to go vegan resonate most with you?

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